Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight Fans!!

Bella's Bracelet

Here is for all you twlight fan's out there, I am selling bella's bracelet.

Price: $15.00

the bracelet is just like the one she recieved in the 3rd book. It has a wolf(from jacob) and a Swarovski Crystal heart(from edward). The charms are seperated by 13 chain links because Bella's birthday is September 13th.
Please contact me if you would like to purchase a bracelet beacuse they are going fast!
The best way to contact me is thru email or a comment.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Pink Swarovski Crystals & Pearls & fresh water pearls


This necklace is made with swarovski crystals, swarovski pearls, fresh water pearls, and sterling silver.

Brown Swarovski Crystals & Pearls


This necklace is made with swarovski crystals, swarovski pearls, fresh water pearls, and sterling silver.

Green Swarovski Crystals, Pearls, Fresh water Pearls & Jade

This 3 piece set (necklace, bracelet, and earings) is made with swarovski crystals, swarovski pearls, freshwater pearls, tourqouis, jade and sterling silver.

Silver and white Swarovski Pearls & Crystals


This necklace and bracelet set are made with swarovski crystals, swarovski pearls fresh water pearls and sterling silver.